We believe the church is not a place to go or an event to attend.  It is what we are: a community with Jesus at the center.  We are not perfect, but we embrace these values.


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We believe that no one is meant to live life alone. We were created for relationships – with each other and with God. Even if you are unsure about this whole Jesus thing, know that Branches is a place where you can still belong.


We believe that the gospel has the power to break down barriers that typically separate people – barriers including income level, family background, race, culture, education, and more. We are a church built on this power.

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We are not about quick fixes or easy answers. We are not about impressing people or putting on a show. We know that life is not always polished so church shouldn’t always be polished either. Don’t worry about pretending that you have it all together. No one does.

We are part of the United Methodist Church.  To read our core doctrines, click here.